
Each day millions of people donate to various causes and organizations big and small, global and local, that work to make this world a better place to live. CFUW Edmonton is doing our small part to make a difference in this world, to improve the status of women, here in Edmonton and across the globe. We work at the local, provincial, national, and international level.

You can give to CFUW Edmonton or CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards Fund as a direct donation or purchasing via our fundraising campaigns (how to is below).


CFUW Edmonton

CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards Fund


Cafe Feminino Coffee

Want to give back with your cup of coffee? CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards Fund sells Cafe Femenino Coffee: dark or medium roast, beans or ground, 400gm or 1.2kg bags. Cafe Femenino Coffee is ethically sourced, committed to ending cycle of poverty of women coffee producers around the world. 

Click here for Order Form

Tru-Earth EcoFriendly Items

Ecofriendly items include: cleaners (laundry, toilet, dishwasher, surfaces), items to clean (sponges, brushes), dishcloths, bags, food wrap and more! When you purchase items it is at regular prices, no added cost for it being a fundraise item. AAF receives 20% of your purchase when you order through our fundraiser page. 

Click here to view items and purchase


Shop online at stores or buy gift cards for stores you shop at or gift them to someone else, either way a percentage goes to CFUW Edmonton AAF. 

Go to FLIPGIVE Use teamcode: G3WPMY

Purdy's (chocolates & more)

Perfect for anyone looking for a little something for themselves or Christmas gifts! Anyone can purchase, all the orders are delivered to your door. Check back November 2024 for our next fundraiser .

Order in November, delivered 1st week in December


A bequest is a gift arranged in your Will that makes a lasting legacy and can make a large impact when the organization of your choice receives it. Your estate can receive tax benefits and it makes a statement of your generosity and contribution to your community. Bequests often consist of cash savings, property, and/or appreciated investments that have increased in value since purchase (e.g. stocks, bonds and mutual funds). We are unable to deal with property bequests. If you choose to bequest a portion of your estate to us please notify us of your intention to include us in your Will. This will ensure your bequest is carried out in the way you intend as we can provide all the information (proper legal name, charitable registration number, CRA Business number, etc) and allows us to thank you for your support.