Renewing Your Membership

Dear Members,

Renew your membership with CFUW Edmonton for the 2023-2024 year.

A reminder of some of the items this year: 

Renewing your membership makes you a member of the local, regional, national, and international organizations: CFUW Edmonton, CFUW Alberta, CFUW national, and Graduate Women International, respectively. You have access to all the activities and opportunities to be involved in committees/leadership of these organizations. The membership dues are the same amount as last year $150 ($65 for students), details are on the membership form. 

Renewal of membership can be done entirely online again this year (the paper system of a paper membership form and paper cheque is still in place if you prefer that)

Ready to Renew Your Membership?

You need to do 2 steps, fill in a membership form and pay your dues. Choose one option from the left (Paper or Online Membership Form) and choose one option from the right (Paper Cheque or Electronic Payment).

Not sure, still thinking about it? Check out the CFUW Edmonton website for:

If you get your membership form and dues in to us by Sept 8 you will be entered into the Early Bird Lottery, the winner will a ticket to the May BBQ Social.

All membership forms must be returned by September 30, for the members to be included in the CFUW Edmonton directory that will be available at our October general meeting.

Amy Macleod