Interest Groups 2024 - 2025
CFUW Edmonton has 12 interest groups, including one new group, 'Technology'. We have three choices for Book Clubs: Morning, Afternoon and Evening. There are 3 cuisine groups: Healthy Gourmet, Hospitality Cooking and Lunching Out. We have also the Afternoon Bridge Club, the Art for Fun Group, a Film group, and Indigenous Group, and a French speaking Group. If you have an idea for a new club, please contact Roberta Stephens, Interest Group Coordinator (
Art for Fun - Convenor Anne Valentine
This group promotes members’ artistic talents. No formal instruction is provided. The art group meets every Wednesday morning from 9:00 am - 12 noon. In the good weather, meetings are held at Anne's house. After September, meetings may continue to be held at Anne's home, or at the Granite Curling Club (cost $50/day for the group). The winter venue is to be determined. The group has 9 members and is at capacity, however the members are willing to help another group start up.
Afternoon Bridge - Convenor Sherri Eichhorn
The group plays bridge on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in members’ homes at 12:30. The hostess provides a light snack following play. As we can only accommodate 2 tables which are currently full anyone interested may sign up to spare.
Morning Book Club - Convenor Edith Morgan
Members vote on suggestions to compile our book reading list and then engage in stimulating discussion and conversation. The club meets throughout the year 11 am on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Royal Glenora Club courtesy of one of the members Judy Pagano. A light lunch may be purchased. The next meeting is Wednesday August 28 and will be discussing “Fall on Your Knees”. New members are welcome.
Afternoon Readers - Convenor Sherri Eichhorn
The group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month in each other’s homes at 12:30. The hostess provides a light snack after the discussion. Our first meeting will be Sept. 11 to discuss Lessons in Chemistry. New members are welcome.
Evening Random Readers - Convenor Norma Kabaroff
This group meets on the second Thursday of the month from September to May. A varied selection of books is read and discussed. A member hosts the meeting at 7pm in her home and light refreshments are served. New members are welcome. The first meeting is September 12.
Film Group - Convenor Karen Lewis-Caron
This group meets the 3 rd Tuesday of the month to view then discuss selected films. The group usually meets for matinees. The Convener identifies the available films the preceding week and sends choices out to members to choose from. If a film is not found a video may be selected and shown at the movie theatre in one of the member’s condominium. New members are welcome. The next meeting is Tuesday Sept 17.
Healthy Gourmet - Convenors Audrey Keen & Judi Cook
This group meets at noon on the 3 rd Tuesday of each month in a member’s home, focusing on food preparation to create a healthy meal. The hostess for each meeting rotates among the membership and it is her decision whether the group meets at her home or at a restaurant. The focus of the group now is socializing while still discussing and tasting food. This group is not taking new members.. Members are willing to assist in the start-up of another group.
Hospitality Cooking - Convenor Maureen Towns
This group has been running for 42 years and meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month in a member’s home. Due to the changing demographics the group’s focus has changed from preparing group meals to sometimes meeting in restaurants to socialize and share recipes and a meal. This group is not accepting new members.. Current members would be happy to assist in forming a new group.
Lunching Out - Convenor TBD
This group meets on the 2nd Friday of each month for stimulating conversation and lunch at various restaurants in the city. It provides the opportunity to sample a diverse range of Edmonton’s cuisine. This group meets all 12 months of the year. New members are welcome. The convener Judi Cook is not volunteering to be convener this year after 25 years. She will be asking regulars if they would care to take over this role.
Indigenous Edmonton - Convenor Helen Arnott
The group will meet irregularly as member interest is assessed on an ongoing basis during the coming year. There is no particular time or day of the week for meeting. All CFUW members are welcome to come as topic, time, circumstance, and energy allow. We are planning for 4 to 6 learning opportunities during the year which will be announced monthly in the coming CFUW Edmonton newsletters as well as by email and telephone. Our activities will include field trips in and around Edmonton, meeting Indigenous friends, and perhaps sharing our readings during informal story-telling and discussions. The first event will be an exploration of the outdoor Indigenous Art to be found in Queen Elizabeth Park on Friday, September 27 at 12 noon.
Parlons Français - Convenor Marcia Loder
This new interest group meets on the last Monday of the month at 11:00 am at members' homes or other locations to practice their French language skills in a social setting. The host provides a snack and conversation flows in French. Topics of conversation are random or can be specific depending on the nature of the gathering.
Technology (New Group) - Convenor Amy Macleod/Judi Cook
This new interest group meets after the club general meetings in the same location. Technology assistance will be available for members by answering their questions and/or hands-on assistance with their devices. Based on member requests/questions there may be short information sessions on specific topics given at that time, or longer sessions on specific topics given via Zoom scheduled independently from the club general meetings.
CFUW national Interest Groups
Members of CFUW Edmonton are also members of the national CFUW and Graduate Women International with all the benefits and opportunities that come with membership. This includes the opportunity to join their interest groups.
CFUW offers some interest groups at the national level. These are organized/convened by CFUW members so are not accessed via the national webpage.
CFUW Reads Book Club (free)
This book club started out as a summer book club but due to its popularity it has expanded to year-round. You can easily join this group to follow along with what books they are reading or actively participate in the discussion of the books. This group is run via a Facebook page, click the link to find out more
CFUW Canada GWI Club (a fee is required to join this group)
This is an electronic club who work via email and conference calls. for members looking to be an active participant in GWI issues. Find out more by emailing (general inquiries) or (to join) and visiting their Facebook group