July 22 Field Trips

On July 22, Monday, local CFUW members will be your host to accompany you on your transport to the two planned field trips. You will pay CFUW Edmonton for the bus transportation and you will be responsible for admission fees to the attraction(s) you want to see at the destination.

NOTE: Deadline for reserving a spot on the field trips is Sunday, July 21, 8pm Eastern Time. 

West Edmonton Mall

This restaurant serves family friendly vegan food. 

CFUW member host: Dalelene Yelland

Click here for more information and to RSVP your seat(s) for this field trip

This trip is currently at capacity for the transportation arranged and is not longer accepting more people.  

University of Alberta Botanic Garden 

The University of Alberta Botanic Garden (formerly the Devonian Botanic Garden) is an award-winning visitor attraction! The Garden features 240 acres of gardens, paths, pools, waterfalls, and streams. Established in 1959, the garden boasts a diverse plant collections that thrive in our northern climate. 

Click here for more information and to RSVP your seat(s) for this field trip. 

NOTE: Deadline for reserving a spot on this field trip is Sunday, July 21, 8pm Eastern Time.